Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Learn Piano Online

Many adults give up the idea of finding a program, course, or lessons to learn how to play piano online. They might be worried about not finding one that meets their needs, or they feel that there is no way they will be able to learn quickly or effectively over the computer.

In this day and age of the World Wide Web, where billions upon billions of pages can be surfed by anybody 24/7, one could find nearly a million references to learning about the keyboard, piano, and classical artists such as Beethoven online. This could also be another reason so many people give up their piano-playing dreams. They simply become overwhelmed with the millions of search-engine results and cannot find exactly what they are looking for.

The first aspect that someone seeking an Internet-based piano course should look for is quality. This might be time consuming and sometimes frustrating if you arent able to look at or review the products before you buy. In this case, one of the best avenues to take is to look at a site that reviews products to learn how to play piano online. Little do many Web shoppers know that these sites review and compare products in an unbiased manner. These sites do all the comparing, analyzing, and reviewing before you buy.

The next step when searching through the multitude of online piano material is to create a list of what you are looking for and ways you enjoy learning. After you have seen what products, lessons, and courses are available online, whether they are online piano e-books, software, games, virtual teachers, videos, audio, or other methods, youll be able to evaluate the selection with your own personal criteria. If you dont want to read an e-book, then you might look at sites that offer video lessons of how to learn piano online.

The third step is to ask yourself: does this program or package offer all that I want, at a price I can pay? Be skeptical if a website claims youll learn how to play the piano overnight. Evaluate different websites that offer a variety of materials and meet your overall budget. Again, consulting a website that reviews all the important factors will save you a lot of time, hassle, and money.

Finally, once you have found the perfect online piano program and carefully analyzed what it offers, you will be ready to make your final purchase in confidence. After you have made your purchase, give yourself time to get used to the new software, e-book, or video. If the product suggest that you practice 15 to 30 minutes each night, then be sure to stick to that program to gain all the benefits and rewards that come through learning piano online.

Nick Krueger is a review specialist at For more information on learning piano online and online piano product reviews, please visit: Blog69378
Amandie Blog55412

Is Your House Cool Now?

That trading spaces show can be scary.

Imagine a group of strangers flocking to your house one fine day, okay, completely well-meaning they may be, but at the same time blunt too, because, nah, they've decided your house just isn't cool enough and you definitely need an upgrade in your sense of style. Should we say more? Or are you already considering changing that kangaroo print pillowcase in your living room?

Cool. That word. What's up with cool anyway?! For a concept that supposedly shouldn't have any boundaries, cool has frighteningly evolved into something we religiously pin on a particular person, activity, place, and gadget. And yes, home.

Okay, we're not talking about cool homes here, as in energy-efficient homes (it's a perfectly worthwhile topic of course, but not for now). We're talking about homes being top-dollar cool in the market here; we're talking about cool homes palatable enough for choosy and discriminating buyers. Cool translates to good status and good worthsomething you would want others to catch you in. We just know what's cool and what's not. The scary part, though, is when we insist others to be coolthe right kind of cooljust like us.

Real estates are admittedly a business that heavily depends on projecting the cool image and right surface. Home designers and interior decorators are no wonder sought-after people because they seem to know what cool people want for their homes. Or maybe they just dictate what should be cool.

Can cool be manufactured then? If you're seriously considering selling your house, then there's certainly no harm in invoking the cool inside and outside. Nothing wrong with a cool paint of Van Gogh yellow, or cool stainless steel countertops, or cool surround system, or whatever that's currently cool. (Here, youll be reminded that cool sometimes requires money.) Whatever cool stuff you do, just be careful you don't overwhelm the house with too much cool that it doesn't leave space for the buyers identities anymore. You want the new owners to plot out their own sense of cool too, of course.

So, don't let anyone tell you what's cool for your house. After all, coolfor it to be coolshould never be a prescription.

Neoli Marcos write articles and press releases for - this piece he made served as an article exclusive for - which offers a comprehensive list of office & commercial real estates, homes for rent or sell and an apartment finder to thousands of properties in Australia.Alejandra Blog85920
Anet Blog81411

Exciting Public Safety Degrees Now Available Online

The Internet has essentially transformed the world into a smaller place that we live in. With communication, news and information at our fingertips, we are able to maintain closer ties to other countries and even those in our own community. This readily available information brings the reality of growing trends in such things a national disasters, terrorism, and economic struggles closer to us and in the forefront of media attention on a daily basis.

With the increase in needs of communities all around us and the rise of disaster that can even overwhelm a nation, comes the need for highly trained individuals that can come to the aid of those in need. Emergency planning, health and medical aid, and disaster management careers are on the rise and the need for more individuals trained in these areas will only continue to grow with them. Now, the same venue that keeps us up to date on such events is also providing a way for people with a desire to help to advance their education and enter into a rapidly evolving career. Degrees in these professional areas are available online now!

If you are the type of person that wants to be more involved and would like to give something back to the community, as well as help those who are in such desperate need, then an online degree in one of the various public safety fields may be right for you!

Some of the various public service degrees that are available online include:

- BS in Homeland Security and Public Safety
- EMT to BS in EMS Management
- MBA/Justice of Homeland Security
- Master of Science in Executive Fire Service Leadership
- MS in Leadership with an Emphasis in Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Management
- M.P.A. in Homeland Security
- M.P.A. in Public Personnel Management
- Bachelors in Public Administration (Police and Fire)
- And many more!!!

A degree in public service provides the student with the knowledge, skills and ability to provide assistance and aid in times of need. This can range from helping an individual injured in a car accident to assisting with large scale disasters such as hurricane Katrina or the World Trade Center disaster, as well as the organizational skills needed to help in the advance planning for such events.

New Careers in Some Old Professions

For centuries selfless individuals have been coming to the aid of their neighbors. As the need for these individuals became more prevalent, organizations formed and public entities became a necessity for every community, at nearly every level. Police departments, fire departments, emergency medical services, public health departments, disaster relief organizations, and many more were formed. As the population grows and the world changes, these organization must evolve to meet those needs. Many local departments are expanding and national agencies are now developing ways to help people in far away countries. As these organizations expand, so do the careers in each of them. New positions are formed within each entity and colleges and universities around the world are stepping up to offer the education needed to fill those positions.

Its Never Too Late!

The need for trained professionals in these areas will not end, and the growth of the organizations that offer these careers will continue. Online degrees in any of the various public health and safety fields will continue to evolve as well. Unlike campus based schools, online classes can allow you the ability to maintain your family life, as well as get an education in a new and exiting career. Courses are offered in everything from certification level classes to even Ph.D. degrees in many fields. Along with this wide range of course offerings also comes the ability to complete them in various degrees of time. Degrees paths that use to take 4 years and more can now be completed in as little as 2 years.

Its never too late for you to start a new career!

Jamey Perkins is a seasoned Paramedic with a desire to help increase awareness for these vital career fields and those that are interested can visit to learn how to obtain a degree in Public Safety, Disaster Management, and Homeland Security online. You are free to use this article, as long as a link back to is maintained.Ajay Blog84400
Adore Blog33168

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost

If you want to know how much a laser hair removal costs read below to see what I found after doing some extensive search on the topic.

There are several factors to be considered in establishing the cost for laser treatment:

First, different laser centers have different policies for cost establishment - some have flat fees for the different laser hair removal services, some charge by a time segment, and yet some charge a certain amount per each laser pulse.

The next thing to consider is how thick your hair is. In most cases people with thicker hair will pay more than people with less thick hair. Also the difference in the skin tone and the hair color is of great importance for establishing the price.

Laser treatments work best for people with lighter skin and darker hair as laser light needs dark color to work efficiently. So, if you are fair-skinned and have dark hair you should expect to pay less.

Another thing to consider is how big is the area you want your hair removed from. Generally the bigger the area the greater the cost. Example: hair removed from the back will cost significantly more than hair removed from the upper lip. Apart from that different areas will require different number of treatments for more permanent effect. Another example: back area might require as many as 7 - 8 treatments whereas a permanent upper lip hair removal might need not more than 4 or 5.

Finally, keep in mind that prices vary with the location of the center. A service in the mid west and the west cost will cost you more then what you could be charged if you were treated in the south. Laser hair removal treatments cost the most on the east and west cost.

The average price for a laser hair removal is about $360. A single sitting can cost as much as $750. As I said earlier a successful and permanent hair removal will require at least several sittings, which means you should expect to pay at least $3500 for a complete back hair removal procedure. The same procedure can run as high as $6000.

Ivan Nikolov, a fitness and physique model and top five natural bodybuilder, shares with you everything he has learned about hair removal - the essential procedure every model knows a lot about. Visit his web site to find out what consumers report are the best hair removal procedures and tools.Catlaina Blog66198
Catherin Blog72289

FTP Hosting Service Selection - Seven Tips

If you're frustrated with the inability to send and receive large files via email, you're not alone. Most businesses today are experiencing the same problem.

As software programs evolve, the files they create are forever increasing in size. Programs like AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, and a host of many more can create files in excess of 5MB to 300MB.

One of the best ways to send large files via the Internet is by utilizing what is called an "FTP Hosting" service. FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol."

How does it work? An FTP Hosting service is simple and effective. Unlike email, where you send files from one person to another, FTP hosting allows you to upload files of any size or type to a secure storage location on the Internet. Once you've uploaded your files, the recipient of the files can then download them at will.

So how do you go about selecting the best "FTP Hosting" service? We've come up with a list of "Seven Tips" that will help you in the selection process.

1. Good Track Record & References:

The provider of the "FTP Hosting" service should have a solid business track record. You'll want to select a company that has been in business at least 4 to 6 years.

Remember, you're entrusting the "FTP Hosting" company with proprietary corporate information. Make sure they are a legitimate company. These days it's easy to develop a website and call yourself an "FTP Hosting" company. Avoid any company that looks like a "Fly-by-night" operation.

Ask for references! If the provider is good, they'll ask you how many references you would like! Also, their web site should provide an indication of their length of time in business and references, if they have any.

2. Phone Number:

Make sure the "FTP Hosting" company provides you with a phone number to call, preferably a toll-free number. If you have any problems at all you'll want to speak with someone.

You'll also want to call the number they give you and verify that someone answers the phone and can talk intelligently about the service they provide.

Avoid any company that does not answer their phone during normal business hours, as they most likely won't answer it when you have a question or problem.

3. Guarantee or Trial:

Look for a service provider that guarantee's their service and will allow you to test it before you subscribe. Ask for a 30-day free evaluation period. If that's not available then ask for a 30-day, unconditional satisfaction guarantee. It should allow you to cancel within 30-days and pay nothing if you're not completely satisfied with the service.

In addition, look for a service that provides discounts if you pre-pay for six or twelve months. You'll be surprised as to how much money you can save by paying in advance.

4. Adequate Bandwidth:

Ask your "FTP Hosting" company how much bandwidth is available for file uploads and downloads. Avoid any company that limits the amount of bandwidth available for transferring files.

If a company puts limits on available bandwidth, they are either an extremely small business and won't be able to service you properly, or they may charge you for bandwidth in excess of a given amount per month. Either way, you won't be happy at the end of the day.

Look for a company that can provide you with unlimited bandwidth and does not charge you for it.

5. Ease of Use:

The service must be easy-to-use and support file transfers from Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Ask the service provider what, if any, software is required on the client side in order to transfer files to and from the secure FTP site.

Make sure you're not required to purchase a vendor specific, proprietary software program to transfer your files. You should be able to use any off-the-shelf, downloadable FTP client software program such as CuteFTP, WS FTP, SmartFTP, Fetch, or FTP Voyager.

6. Storage Space Limitation:

Most "FTP Hosting" services are available on a month-to-month subscription basis and their rate is set according to the amount of storage space you require. Make sure your monthly storage limitations have what's called a "Soft Cap."

A "Soft Cap" allows you to exceed your storage limitations without incurring an additional fee. More importantly, it allows you and/or your customers to continue uploading/downloading files to your FTP site after you have exceeded your storage space allotment.

In other words, you can continue doing business without worrying about your FTP service provider shutting down your FTP site.

7. Technical Support Via Email:

Avoid any provider that only responds to technical problems via email. There are a lot of providers out there that have great prices but they lack the support you may need. Remember, sooner or later you will have a question or problem and you will want to speak with a live person.

Choose a company that provides you with a technical support phone number, not an email address. Call the number and ask for help! Make sure they answer the phone and provide the type of you support you're looking for.

Now that you know the questions to ask and what to look for in an "FTP Hosting" service, you're ready to go out and find one. The best place to start looking is Google Just type in the phrase "FTP Hosting" and work your way through all the selections. The "Seven Tips" outlined above will assist you in quickly finding the best providers of "FTP Hosting
Mike Jewson is a Network Engineer with "". You can learn more about "FTP Hosting" services online at http://www.InstantFTPsites.comBelita Blog30091
Buffy Blog13736

Consolidate Private Student Loans - 4 Benefits You Can't Ignore

Consolidate private student loans into one manageable loan. Instead of trying to juggle multiple private student loans, why not lump them together and make it easier to manage each month? When you consolidate your private student loans, you replace all of your outstanding private loans with one large private student loan. Sounds like a lot of work? Not really. In fact it's easy and here are the benefits that you'll enjoy.

The key benefit when you consolidate private student loans is lower monthly payments. Instead of making multiple monthly payments on different loans, you would have only one monthly payment. That one monthly payment will be less than the total amount of payments of all the other loans combined. Frankly, this is the time when you need your money the most - for rent, furniture, buying a house or car, getting married, starting a family...

By lumping your private student loans into one loan, you make repayment much more convenient. You get to deal with only one lender and that reduces the risk of forgetting about or missing payments. There's much less paperwork to worry about and you don't have to juggle a bunch of different due dates.

Consolidating your private student loans provides you the opportunity to get a lower interest rate and that saves you money. Lower interest charges help to offset the cost of lowering your monthly payment. So in the end, you can have lower monthly payments without extending your loan as far as you would have.

One of the added benefits of consolidating your private student loans is you can improve your credit score. When you receive a consolidation loan, the funds are used to pay off all of the loans being consolidated. So, in effect, you have just successfully paid off multiple loans - on time or early. And that goes a long way to improving your credit score.

So how exactly does that benefit you? Remember, the house or car you want to buy? That's going to take a mortgage or car loan. A better credit score means you pay less interest and that saves you money. In the case of a mortgage, it can mean thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in savings.

If you want to lower your monthly payments, make them more convenient by dealing with only one loan and get a lower interest rate, you should consolidate private student loans. It not only helps keep your money at a time when you need it but it helps you improve your chances of saving more money on future loans.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides student loan consolidation information and solutions.Auria Blog86779
Annadiane Blog36143

Earn An Online Education Degree

Today, one can earn an online degree or certification in diverse fields of education and employment industries through online courses that are readily accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. As an off-campus student, individuals gain access to fully-accredited online coursework and degree programs without ever having to leave the comforts of their own homes or personal offices; thus creating a more relaxed learning atmosphere.

Online courses range from arts and humanities, health and medicine, business, science and technology, computers, social sciences, education and teaching, trades and careers, and many more.

If you pursue an education online, you will be able to get either a bachelors degree or an associates degree in one of the many courses that are offered. Along with many choices of courses, there are also a wide variety of online schools available.

Overall, online education is much less expensive than going to a traditional school because you save on travel, time, and the courses themselves cost less. Much of the time you are able to get your degree much quicker and with much more ease in an online program than at a traditional college.

You're thinking about furthering your career or finally getting your college degree. But with so many educational choices online, how do you know whether it's right for you? Here are some pointers you should consider, before making your decision. There are many factors motivating adult learners to continue their education, particularly with the ease of online institutions.

These can range from:
advancing your career,
seeking a raise, or
simply an eagerness to learn new skills or new knowledge.

This motivation is important, because you wont have anyone else standing over you forcing you to attend class or turning in your assignments. Therefore you should carefully consider if youre a self-motivating adult learner who can thrive in the online environment before enrolling.

Currently, there are virtually hundreds of online schools, universities and colleges that cater to the needs of working persons and/or homebound individuals.

Aside from online certification and continuing education courses, ambitious students can conveniently earn not only an Associate's Degree in respective fields of education, but can also earn up to a Doctorate's as well.

Whether aspiring students wish to attain online continuing education units, or simply want to fulfill their career goals by earning an online degree in which particular field interests them, an online education meets and often exceeds the expectations of enrolled candidates.

There are several advantages to pursuing a degree or training online. You can do it at your own speed in your own time. While a degree at a traditional university or college may take 2 to 4 years, you can cut that time short or stretch it out as needed. You can get loans, financial aid and flexible financing just as you would at any other school. Just be sure that the online university is accredited and that your online credits will be recognized in your chosen industry or career field. Get online and get ahead!

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog52771
Celina Blog98673

Training FAQ: Answers About Different Types Of Training

* What kinds of career training are available?

Although training schools vary according to the career training programs that they are offering to the public, the following career training can be found in most training schools across the United States.

- Automotive Technology career training will help you in the repair of automobiles. It includes the diagnosis and repair of different automobile parts such as brakes, suspension, electrical, air-conditioning, and overall engine performance system. The skills and knowledge that you will acquire here will help you in getting national and state certifications.

- Business Support Services career training will teach you to compose and edit business-type documents using the computer. Different aspects of business support, such as communication, accounting, and human relations, are also tackled during the training.

- Woodworking career training will expose you to different technical knowledge, like cabinetmaking and millwork. You will be trained in the operation of different processing equipment as well as power tools and techniques in working with wood.

- Culinary Arts career training will teach you about large-quantity food preparation and serving. Particular places of instruction are the school cafeteria and restaurants affiliated with the training school. It also offers courses in sanitation, nutrition, and supervision.

- Drafting career training is where you will learn all about technical vocabularies, technical drawing, and its application. In addition, you will be working with the latest equipment and software in the field of drafting.

- In Electronics career training, you will learn to install, troubleshoot, and repair different types of equipment. There are also courses specializing in radio, telephone, and data transmission circuits.

- You will be trained to be a Certified Nursing Assistant in Health career training. You will be working with a nursing home facility after you have completed the training. After that, you will be prepared for your State Certification examination.

- In Machine Technology career training, you will be trained in handling different kinds of machines such as lathes, milling machines, and grinders. You will also learn to use the hand tools required to finish or assemble different parts.

- Retail Marketing career training will teach you about customer service, cash handling, inventory, and promotion or advertising.

* What training resources are available online?

There are several training resources that are available to you online, whatever line of work you want to engage in. These include:

1. E-learning solutions,

2. Online training programs,

3. Interactive training classes in real time, and

4. Visual hands-on programs that include online tutorials and training methods

* What is eLearning?

eLearning is a type of instruction found on the Internet. There are numerous purposes it serves, including the following:

- It is used by companies to train their personnel as well as to inform their clients and business partners about their products, services, and company policies.

- It is sometimes used in distance learning, saving an individual the time, hassle, and expense of commuting to a classroom.

- It can also be used as a promotional tool to educate the public about their rights as citizens. Instead of sending out paper flyers and conduct large-scale sessions to educate the public, the internet can relay the necessary information.

Fred Tuxton is editor of, the online Training guide. He also writes Training FAQ's for Blog59939
Anica Blog92461

Window Cornice

Article: Learning the basics to making a wooden window cornice

Most people are familiar with window treatments, but many people may not be familiar with an upholstered wooden window cornice. Individuals familiar with wooden window cornices may have long desired the know how to be able to create a customized wooden window cornice.

Step by step instructions are now available online for people wishing to create a wooden cornice, while saving hundreds of dollars by doing it themselves.

Prior to coming up with the idea of creating an e-book where folks could download the step by step instructions which would allow them to be able to create their own cornice, the creator of Easy Cornice had always admired professionally made wooden window cornices and wanted to learn how to make them for herself, comments Jo.

Several years ago, the creator of Easy Cornice decided to research the craft of making wooden window cornices. Reflecting back on how her story first got started, the creator, Jo, remembers how she would frequent home stores. She would go to stores where she took very specific notes as to how a wooden window cornice was assembled.

The creator then took these notes back home and began creating her own wooden cornices. We wanted to be able to share the simple secrets with others, who, for whatever reason, wanted to avoid having to hire a home interior decorator. It really is quite simple for anyone to do and the best part about creating a customized wooden window cornice is that someone doesnt even need to know how to sew or have any wood working experience or special tools. The creator of Easy Cornice also notes that someone who creates a wooden window cornice can easily save hundreds of dollars on just one average size wooden window cornice.

Step by step instructions can now be viewed and ordered online for $29.95 with an immediate download at

Some interesting facts about cornices: A cornice is considered an ornament that is positioned horizontally at the top of your window with a frame or molding. Cornices always add great value to windows. Cornices highlight and add great depth to any window. There is no comparison to a window without any form of decoration such as a cornice compared to a lifeless and dull, bare window. Depending on the fabric used as well as the size of ones cornice, the cost of a wooden window cornice could easily range anywhere from $300 to more than $1,000 on a single cornice, depending on a professional decorators pricing. Another benefit of a window cornice is the upkeep as there really is none, meaning that the cornice will never need to be taken down for cleaning, unless if there is a desire to change the fabric, which can easily be done. Once made, cornices can easily be installed onto your wall with brackets.

A wooden cornice is made from solid wooden construction which is another fine benefit because this means that the cornice will truly last a lifetime. Cornices can be custom-made to fit any window in any home with the homeowners selected style and color and not someone elses.

Simple step by step instructions with pictures help guide decorators while they will undoubtedly save hundreds of dollars or more, on just one cornice. Making ones own upholstered wooden cornice is easily accessed at where these mentioned step by step instructions can be instantly downloaded with an e-book that allows each decorator to immediately get started on building their own wooden window cornice. If decorators are hesitant about purchasing the entire e-book right away, they have the option of receiving an introductory chapter, complete with pictures, allowing them a sneak peak into the wooden window cornice making process.

Decorators willing to spend some time creating a customized and professional looking wooden cornice will discover just how cost efficient the process is and will be thrilled just knowing how they saved hundreds, if not more on just one simple cornice. Once the process is learned, it can be repeated over and over again as they can just refer to the e-book that was purchased at With this E-Book, you will learn how to easily create your own customized upholstered wooden cornice through step-by-step instructions with detailed pictures that show you how to make your cornice, from A-Z. The instructions will also reveal the planning stage prior to your first step of the actual cornice making process.

Step by step instructions can now be viewed and ordered online for $29.95 with an immediate download at

Josephine MontyCamellia Blog70286
Ceil Blog3283

College Admission

The college application is the primary resource for admissions departments to determine a students worthiness for acceptance. This application is the only opportunity students have in presenting themselves in the best light possible, in hopes of gaining admission. Many will say that completing the application is a test in-of-it itself. We agree. This simple test determines how detail oriented students are and how well they follow instructions. In any give year, colleges receive thousands of applications for admission from prospective students, all competing for the same seat.

In order to help students submit an error free university application, weve asked admissions officers across the country what common mistakes do students consistently make on applications. Check out the major blunders:

1. Students do not read the directions carefully to make sure they understand what items are needed in order to complete their application. Recommendation: Before beginning the application read through it for understanding.

2. Students write the wrong social security number or use different numbers on different pieces of information. Recommendation: Carefully copy your social security number from your card.

3. Students use the wrong college address labels.

4. Students applying for regular decision but checked early action.

5. Students use the online application but fail to request information from their high school counselor.

6. Students have questionable remarks and photos of themselves on social network sites, like MySpace, FaceBook and others (a recent problem).

7. In the college essay students exceed the number of words required. Recommendation: If you need to write a 500 words essay it must be 500, not 500+. Colleges test your ability to communicate your thoughts with clarity and concision. They want to see that your writing flows and is methodical.

8. Students miss the application deadline. Recommendation: After choosing which institutions you would like to apply to, write down the application deadline dates on a calendar or in a personal planner. Cross off the names of the colleges as you submit your application.

9. Students take ACT or SAT in the spring of their senior year. Recommendation: Tests should be taken in your junior year or fall semester of your senior year to ensure that test scores will be released on time to apply for the September semester. Also, when you take the SAT or ACT early, you can retake the test if the scores are unsatisfactory.

10. Students send in application but do not send high school transcripts. Recommendation: Make a check list of documents that will accompany your application.

11. Students copy or buy essays from the internet. Recommendation: Do not plagiarize essays. Write your own essay. If you are copying essays from the internet then most likely another student will do the same. Getting caught is risky and not worth it.

12. The students parent fills out the application. Recommendation: You are the one seeking admission into college, not your parents. Therefore, you should be the one to complete the application.

13. Activity list is full of ambiguous acronyms. Recommendation: Do not use acronyms. Spell out each word. Just because you know what the acronyms mean, does not mean others will.

14. Students expect long list of activities to overshadow actual academic work. Recommendation: Instead of joining an array of clubs, extensively participate in one or two activities. Admissions officers are not looking to see how many activities you sign up for as much as your role in each extracurricular.

15. Students provide incorrect email addresses / telephone numbers.

16. Students forget to sign and date the back page of the application or have their parents sign it.

17. Students misspell their intended major: psychology and business are the most misspelled.

18. Students are careless in filling out the application and make typos, grammatical errors or have sloppy handwriting. Recommendation: Illegibility/poor penmanship can create problems, especially handwritten essays. Do not handwrite essays unless the application specifically requests you to. Otherwise, type them on a computer and attach the printed page to your application. If your handwriting is poor, consider applying online.

19. Applications folded 10 times to fit in a small envelope look bad. Soda/coffee stains, and dirty or sticky pages, torn/ripped edges all can affect your eligibility. Recommendation: Mail your application package in a legal size envelope. Also to be careful, DO NOT eat while completing your university application.

20. Students use pencil when filling out an application. Recommendation: Use a blue or black ink pen.

21. Some applications ask for County and/or Country. Recommendation: Read carefully! Do not mix these up.

22. Many students who have jobs do not mention them on applications. Recommendation: Often, these jobs impact the time students have available for activities. Include this information to paint a full picture of your out-of-school activities.

23. Students send the wrong essay. Sometimes students mix up college essays and send an essay intended for one university to another college.

24. Students do not address the essay question / topic. Recommendation: If you are not sure, ask your counselor for clarification.

25. For online applications, students slip the mouse and click on the wrong item in a drop down box. (It is amazing how many students say they're from Afghanistan -- which is usually listed right after United States on drop-downs for countries)

26. Students substitute thesaurus words for more colloquial phrases. Recommendation: Bright teens do not and should not write like their parents. Applications that stand out do not have the above problems. They "tell" rather than "show."

27. Students list "Hanging out with friends" or "talking on the phone" as an extra curricular activity. Recommendation: For those who do this, hanging with friends and talking on the phone are not note-worthy activities. Ask your counselor if you are not sure what to include.

28. Students blame a teacher in their personal statement for bad grades. Recommendation: Colleges care more about what you did about the bad grade than why you received it in the first place. Did you ask for extra help? Repeat the course? Get a tutor?

29. Students turn in essays with numerous misspellings and grammatical errors. Recommendation: Proofread and ask your counselor or teacher to read it over. Remember that sometimes computers do not pick up errors that are spelled correctly.

30. Students do not inform their high school counselor that they are applying to colleges x, y, and z. Students fail to mention the necessity of submitting required forms by the certain deadlines. Recommendation: Tell your counselor which colleges you are applying to for admission.

31. Students do not send SAT or ACTs, OR assume later test scores will automatically be sent to same institutions as indicated in earlier tests. Recommendation: Each time taking the SAT or ACT, request the scores be sent to your institution of choice.

32. Information on student transcripts is not updated or incorrect. Recommendation: Check your name spelling, home address, phone numbers AND course names, grades, and credits received.

33. Many colleges that use the Common Application also have supplements. Students forget to complete the supplement.

34. Students write generic essays. Recommendation: Relate your essay to yourself. Write details that are unique to you and that only you could have written.

35. Students list e-mail address that are in bad taste or vulgar. Recommendation: Be aware of the impression your e-mail address makes. Create a "professional" e-mail address for college and job applications. Offensive e-mail addresses make a bad impression.

36. Students do not ask a teacher or advisor to review their application before submission. Recommendation: After completing your application, ask your parent or your high school counselor to proofread it for you. Always have a fresh eye look at your application. Doing so will help eliminate the above mistakes.

Rakeish Bedesi is an advisor and consultant to colleges and students across the U.S.Alissa Blog5302
Bride Blog43895

Starting a Business - What do I do first?

Being in the logo design & branding field, we run into a lot of people who are starting up a small company and need to get their promotional items created (business cards, brochures, web site, etc.) A lot of the time it can be confusing knowing exactly what you need to do to start up a business right.

Here are a few tips to make sure you get everything set up right. This is by no means a complete list, or a sequential list, but just a set of recommendations based on some common problems we run into with clients and some lessons we've learned well from our own experiences:

1) Get Ready to Spend Money

It's true that you have to spend money to make money. It may be tempting to go the cheap route, but if you want your business to succeed, I've found that doing it right the first time is worth the money your spend up front. If you try to cut corners, you may not be real happy with the results. Get a loan and pay off these expenses later when you have money coming in. At least you can know that you are putting your best foot forward and you're not sabotaging your business's success over the relatively minimal amount of money you need to spend up front to develop a good image for your company.

2) Pick a good company name

It sounds simple, but it can be one of the hardest tasks you face. You want a name that reflects the services or products you offer, but you also want to be catchy. That's tough. A good trademark attorney will help you with this process, and this leads to a very valuable point: Trademark your company name! This is a painful (and sometimes costly) process, but a good idea because it keeps another company for taking you to court over your name and it keeps other companies from stealing glory from you by resembling your business. If you own a small bait & tackle shop on the edge of a lake in the middle of no where, trademarking your business may not be so important, but we're not all so.... err.... lucky.

There are two primary ways to trademark your business:

Text onlyStylized graphic logoThese are both necessary to protect your name and your logo. Your text trademark will be evaluated to make sure it doesn't resemble or sound like any other registered trademarks. Especially other companies that are similer to yours in what services or products they offer. The stylized trademark takes into account your font, colors and any other graphical elements in your logo. You can't change these things after you apply without resubmitting another application, so make sure you get it right the first time! It'll cost you around $325 to trademark each method. A trademark attorney will help you search for a clear name and logo and file the paperwork for you, although he'll charge you waaaay more than $325 each. You can search for trademarks online at the US Patent and Trademark website here. Then you can submit your application here. NOTE: It can take up to a YEAR to find out if your trademark was approved and you have to pay your filing fee regardless if you get the trademark or not.

At this point you will probably need to get a federal tax ID for your business, or EIN. You also need to file with your local secretary of state to register your business name. You may also be required to get a business license/permit. Here is a good website for people in NC. You'll need to figure out if you want to do business as a sole proprietor, LLC, S-Corp, etc. too. Your accountant can help you with that and you can file online or get an attorney to help you. Then you can get a bank account as a DBA or "Doing Business As" if you are a sole proprietor or get a bank account in the name of your corporation if you incorporate. Usually you need to do business for about 2 years before a bank will let you open a company bank account. DBAs are immediately available to you though. Also note that if you incorporate later, you'll need to get another tax ID and your bank account will have to be closed and reopened with the new ID. Fun!

3) Get your Logo and Branding Done

This step goes hand-in-hand with the second step. Find a graphic design company that does logos, corporate identity and branding and get a logo created that you really like and you feel represents your business well. They should work with your attorney to make sure your logo doesn't conflict with another logo that is already trademarked. This is the building point for all your marketing materials. To have a consistent corporate identity, you want to get your logo on everything you put out there: business cards, letterhead, website, etc. Why is corporate identity important? Why can't you just put out generic marketing materials? Well, you can, but studies show that people need to see (or hear about) your company up to seven times before company recognition occurs. Having consistent branding helps to build credibility and help people remember you. Think "The golden arches" or the Nike "Swoosh."

4) Market your Business

Whether you find a marketing agency or do this yourself, you need to figure out how you are going to promote your new business. Believe it or not, just getting some business cards and a website most likely won't bring a mass exodus of customers to knock down your door. You have to get the word out. There are many ways to do this, such as press releases, phonebook ads, online ads, TV and radio, ads, etc. A marketing company can help you determine where your money is best spent to get the most return on your investment. Your marketing agency will work with your designer to develop good marketing materials like postcards, flyers, brochures, etc. They can also help you figure out where postcards need to be sent and where you can send email promotions to get the best response. Note: Marketing companies, despite what they tell you, are not always the best equipped to design your marketing materials. Some marketing companies have good internal design teams or contract out with good design agencies, but often you can run into pretty unimpressive stuff if you don't get a designer involved.

There are also many other things you can do to get the word out like joining your local Chamber of Commerce, attend trade shows, etc. Networking in this way can prove to be very valuable and it's pretty inexpensive.

5) Run Your Business Well

Well, duh! If you don't do a good job of running your business, all of the above will be for naught. Sure, you'll make a few mistakes along the way, but don't let that keep you from forging ahead. Make sure you get a good attourney to take care of any legal concerns, get some insurance for your company - and you may want to look into disability and health insurance while you're at it. Your accountant can help advise you on setting up a retirement account too. Better safe than sorry!

One of the keys to running any business successfully is to provide friendly and prompt customer service. So establishing a way to handle that up front is important. Impersonal phone systems, busy signals and answering machine messages are usually going to send a cold message to your customers. People are starved for good customer service these days and most people don't mind spending a little extra money to know that they are being taken care of well.

Daniel Trimpey
President of Technigrafa, LLC
Print design, web design and web hosting in Raleigh, NC
toll-free: 1.877.GRAFA.NC

Daniel TrimpeyBarbi Blog64258
Carissa Blog19929

Self Defense and Stun Guns

Stun Master stun guns have been on the market for over 10 years. These personal protection devices have a proven track record, and are some of the most popular and reliable self defense devices in the world! I carried one of these devices while on assignment to some pretty hairy areas of the globe, and always felt more confident and secure knowing I was not totally defenseless. You must realize that there simply are places and situations where it is not wise to be without some type of protection. I found this especially true overseas, where lawlessness can often be the norm rather than the exception. Even in the U.S. there are many unsafe areas and environments. Carry a self defense device like the Stun Master series, might make the difference between life and death.

Folks, I am no James Bond believe me, so preparing for a deadly encounter with a thug is not always the foremost thing on my mind. I have always been too busy with my work in forensic entomology to give much thought or time to planning for some kind of assailant. Most of us are in situations where we are very busy with work or family to have extra time. The simplest thing for me, and perhaps you, was to educate myself about some different kinds of personal defense. I found that, with some reading, I could make myself more aware of dangerous situations, and prepare as best I could for my response to these potential threats. I researched different types of deterrents and defense weapons, and finally decided on a stun gun. These non-lethal personal defense weapons are safe to use, compact, and most importantly effective. The effectiveness of any self defense plan is the most crucial aspect of any decision to select a weapon. It is also vitally important for the user to be comfortable with whatever weapon he/she chooses. The Stun Master weapons were a perfect fit for my situation, as they are inexpensive, easy to use, and compact.

Every one of us has been in a situation where we felt threatened or out of control. Being armed with knowledge, preparedness, and a means to diffuse these situations is so crucial for every person. Stun guns are non-lethal weapons that disable an attacker without doing permanent harm. Any self defense class will teach you that evasion is the best defense. That is what a weapon like the Stun Master can do for you! Any attacker can be put on their knees with one jolt from these powerful devices. The assailant will remain helpless to do harm for 10 minutes, while you are free to make your escape and cal the authorities. It is your safety we are talking about, so do the homework and feel free to ask us any questions. Please surf our site and gather information about Stun Guns and other defense solutions. You will find the one that suits you best, and we will help in any way we can. If you need time to decide, it may be a good idea to bookmark this site so that you will have access when you need it.

Stun guns use high voltage and low amperage to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. The stun gun does not rely on pain for results. The energy stored in the gun is dumped into the attackers muscles causing them to do a great deal of work rapidly. This rapid work cycle instantly depletes the attackers blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid. In short, he is unable to produce energy for his muscles, and his body is unable to function properly. The stun gun also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that control and direct voluntary muscle movement. When the attackers neuromuscular system is overwhelmed and controlled by the stun gun he loses his balance. Should the attacker be touching you, the current will NOT pass to your body! Look at some of these amazing gadgets at:

As a forensic entomologist, I am familiar with law enforement and security. In my working experience in forensics I was contracted by various government agencies to establish evidenciary proof for a wide variety of crimes. In particular, I was often on the deadly end of crime scenes, where self defense was rather obviously not in use for the victim. Adella Blog59939
Camila Blog16346

Finding An Effective Allergy Treatment

You cannot relate to the discomfort that allergies do cause to people, unless you have experienced it yourself, having a negative reaction to a certain substance. Such reactions to different elements can make a person feel extremely miserable. When people are suffering they start looking for a rapid cure for their problems, but there are some things that have to be taken into consideration, before starting a treatment for your allergies.

As well as for everything else, prevention is the best cure, and that applies for the allergies too. The best thing to do is to try avoiding any triggers that can cause such a reaction in your body. In case you have an allergy to dust, then just leave dusting the house and vacuum cleaning to someone else. There is no reason to take that risk if you can easily avoid doing that.

Definitely you need your environment kept clean. And of course the treatment of avoiding dust is not realistically applicable at all times, but still you can take a few precautions for helping yourself to breathe easier. In case you know that there is a chance for you to be exposed to dust, just wear a protective mask. The embarrassment of looking silly for a short while is not as important as protecting your own health. Another step you can easily undertake is to ensure good ventilation of the area you are dusting.

Food allergies unfortunately are very dangerous and people who have such need to entirely avoid certain foods like eggs, strawberries or peanuts that trigger their reactions. In some of the cases reactions are so severe that it becomes a matter of life and death. In such cases of severe allergic reactions especially to foods it is very dangerous and unwise to try taking care of them at home. And what should be actually done in such cases is not to waste any time but get the person to the hospital where best treatment can be provided to him/her.

There are though some weaker reactions with milder symptoms. Those can be taken care of with allergy treatment from the local pharmacy. Your doctor can offer an effective nonprescription drug that can help in such situations and you can even get a stock of it so that in case it happens you wont have to rush out searching where to get it from.

Benadryl is one of the most popular medications for allergic reactions. It is a nonprescription medication, but still it has to be taken with caution. It can affect your reactions and impair the driving abilities or make you feel drowsy. It also affects concentration and the ability to work and it is not advisable to take it for more than only a few days in row.

The most effective way to treat allergic reactions is by taking medication, but you definitely must take into consideration all the side effects such medication can cause, and decide if they are worth the temporary relief especially of milder symptoms. As some people in fact react to drowsiness worse than to their congestion or ithcings.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning family. Get more information by visiting Blog97178
Arleyne Blog17891

Weight Loss Food Triggers

The concept of Food Triggers in health science is not new. Simply put, a food trigger can be any food that causes or triggers a reaction or change in the body. Food triggers work by the interaction of the body with the macro nutrients (Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fats) in the foods. Because of their genetics and biochemistry each individual reacts to food macro nutrients differently. Many people are familiar with and affected by food triggers like milk, peanuts, cheese, and wine that cause allergic reactions and migraine headaches; but fewer people are familiar with food triggers that can generate weight loss.

Simply stated, a Weight Loss Food Trigger is any food or combination of foods that help generate weight loss in an individual. When we speak of a food helping generate weight loss, we are really speaking of how your body utilizes the proportions of the macro nutrients in the foods you eat. Although the biochemistry involved in the metabolization (break down) of these macro nutrients is similar between individuals, how they are utilized in the body can be very different between individuals.

Despite fad diets and media hype; ALL of the macro nutrients are essential to life and NONE are more important than the others. Any healthy diet will include ALL the macro nutrients although not necessarily in equal proportions. Common to all the macro nutrients is carbon and all the macro nutrients are all ultimately metabolized through a set of chemical reactions called the Krebs Cycle to generate heat and energy.

Scientists measure the relationship between how macro nutrients are metabolized in the body through a process known as Calorimetry. Calorimetry is commonly done at hospitals, research facilities and elite fitness facilities reserved for professional and Olympic athletes. It involves the athlete riding a sophisticated cycle or treadmill while attached to mouth breathing and electronic body monitors. It measures oxygen inhaled versus the products of metabolized macro nutrients exhaled with the mouth monitor.

Nutrition research results reveals that changes in the proportions of macro nutrients ingested can effect changes in weight. Thus, weight loss is not only dependent on how much you eat but also the proportion of macro nutrients you eat. Further, the specific proportion of macro nutrients necessary to generate weight loss (Weight Loss Food Trigger) is different for each individual.

Until now, the only way to calculate a weight loss food trigger would be by an expensive and week long stay at a hospital, research facility or elite fitness facility. Now, commercially available software allows anyone to calculate their own weight loss food triggers in the privacy of their own home. Macro nutrient information that would be derived from Calorimetry can be approximated indirectly by using Body Index calculations. Body Index calculations include things like: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); Body Mass Index (BMI); Lean Body Mass (LBM); and Body Fat Percentage (BF). This software automatically, monitors and looks for a relationship between your Body Indexes, Food Intake, and weight to find your weight loss food trigger.

Dr. Parchment began her medical career with clinical medicine specializing inInternal Medicine for almost fifteen years. Blog51531
Celestia Blog31100

The Prescription For Your PCs Health RollBack Rx

Where there is data, there is a threat to its security. More so for very large organizations that need to be ready with disaster recovery measures and return to work as quickly as possible. Maybe you have firewalls, a regularly up to date anti virus program to protect your system and other software that detects spy ware and so on. But time is money. With the RollBack Rx system restore software, which also prevents data loss, you save both! As a snapshot-based approach this software helps you manage the configuration of your systems and lets you save money on PC support. This naturally results in minimizing downtime.

Say Goodbye To System Crashes

Within seconds, RollBack Rx can perform a pc restore, taking you to the exact point where youd like to RollBack. With conventional methods, it takes several hours sometimes to repair computer problems. RollBack Rx is unique in that it can restore computer and user settings, applications and data in spite of a damaged registry. It does not depend on the Windows operating system to function. RollBack Rx works at the disk level, controlling its input/output and makes sure that your system is restored to the desired point within the boot cycle.

RollBack Rx, when installed in your system, does not differentiate between what files to protect. It protects each and every file in your system, so that when it begins to fix computer problems, it recovers full access to your operating system, all your applications, settings and other data. Usually system recovery software programs restrict themselves to protecting the operation system files, hardware drivers or certain system files. They are unable to reach the important files in a crashed state. This obviously ends up in data loss. RollBack Rx, unlike traditional system restore software, does not duplicate or back up any data on your hard drive. It simply takes snapshots, from which you can then choose, depending on which operating state you want to return to.

All Microsoft Windows based PCs support RollBack Rx software. It operates at the sector level and enables both remote and local update. It helps in patch management as well, making it faster and more effective since it has the ability to make a snapshot of the system before the patch was installed, which means making it possible to instantly RollBack to the pre-patch state.

Most computers have anti virus or spy ware protection installed in them. RollBack Rx is compatible with all anti-virus and anti-spy ware applications and software. You can just instruct your RollBack Rx to take a snapshot of your system before or after anti virus updates.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Ashli Blog48834
Alison Blog32463

Repayment to Begin on Student Loans; NextStudent offers Options

For many recent college graduates the repayment period on their student loans is about to begin due to the end of the six-month grace period. As many graduates find their student loan payment booklets in their mailboxes, which typically arrive approximately 30 to 60 days before the first due date for payment, it is important for graduates to make their payments on time. Some graduates may be in a position to make the scheduled level repayment, while others will find themselves in a burdensome financial situation.

Phoenix-based NextStudent, the premier education funding company offers free advice and a variety of repayment options for students. Repaying student loans ( is serious business. However, there are various options depending on a graduates situation, most repayments are set to level repayment, unless otherwise noted.

Not every college graduate is settled into life after college, and not every graduate is employed. Some graduates still are searching for a job while others have moved home to save money. Life immediately after college can be a little stressful. There are so many things to get in order along with a new job, such as a place to live and a vehicle to get you where you need to go.

By contacting NextStudent after receipt of their payment booklet, graduates can speak to Education Finance Advisers and receive free guidance about the other available repayment plans. Income-sensitive and extended repayment plans are available by directly contacting the lender. With graduated repayment plans, graduates agree initially to pay lower payments. However, the payment amount increases every two years. This is a good choice for those graduates who feel or know that their salary will increase over time.

Forbearance is an option that graduates can use for any given reason. Graduates can use forbearance for up to three years. However, it is important to note that interest continues to accrue throughout the forbearance period.

There are those graduates who opt to defer their student loan payments. With deferment, student loan payments are postponed for a maximum of three years. While in deferment, interest will not accrue on subsidized loans. Graduates must show economic hardship to be eligible.

There are many available options for student loan repayment. NextStudent knows that when a grace period ends, it not always is the best time for graduates to repay their student loans. The Education Finance Advisers are there to help students and graduates with all the questions they may have regarding repayment and the options available to help make life easier and more manageable including student loan consolidation (

About NextStudent

NextStudent,, federal lender code 834051, is dedicated to helping students and their families find affordable ways to pay for college. NextStudent offers one-on-one education finance counseling and has a portfolio of highly competitive education finance products and services including a free online scholarship search engine, federally guaranteed parent and student loans, private student loans, both federal and private student loan consolidation ( programs, and college savings plans.

The NextStudent Scholarship Search Engine, one of the nations oldest and largest scholarship search engines, is updated daily, available free of charge, completely private and represents 2.4 million scholarships worth $3.4 billion.

For more information about NextStudent and its student loan programs, please visit the companys Web site at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Aleta Blog9035
Calley Blog37390

Laser Hair Removal Locating The Best Practitioner Near You

Using free easy resources online you can locate a laser hair removal practitioner close to home.

Search Resource #1: Local Google (

Enter 'laser hair removal' in the first search field, and your town, and state in the next search field.

Google then generates a results list with business name, address, phone, web site, and a map at a glance.

Look out for the 'Directions' link. Enter your starting address and Google provides directions to the address of the laser hair removal clinic you selected.

Search Resource #2: Local Yahoo (

Enter 'laser hair removal' in the first search field, and your town, state, and/or zip code in the next search field.

To the top right of the results is a feature reading View Results on a Map that generates a standard Yahoo map with all of the businesses listed in the search displayed in their street locations.

Another feature lets the searcher to specify the size of the search radius through a drop-down menu measuring in 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, and 50 miles from the center of the search area.

Search Resource #3: Switchboard (

Select the "Find a Business" button, enter "laser hair removal' in the field marked "Business Name, Category, or Keyword(s), then your town and state OR your zip code.

If you want to broaden your search, tick the "Include surrounding areas" box.

On the next screen click on the blue hyperlink "laser hair removal".

Start calling or visiting the list of results for laser hair removal on the next page.

Advice when choosing a laser hair removal clinic:

You may wish to ensure the practitioner is a Board Certified Dermatologist and has experience using the specific equipment or system best for you.

You can ask to see before and after photographs of the results.

Be sure to ask questions on possible side effects for your particular skin condition.

Make sure the practitioner treating you will be able to handle any questions or problems that may arise afterwards. Make sure he will be available for some time after the treatments are completed.

Mike Jones is a writer and webmaster with over 10 years experience. Check out his laser hair removal research library here: Blog67532
Alanna Blog1889

Arizona Defensive Driving School Online Defensive Driving Course for Safer and Smarter Driving

Arizona Defensive Driving School is where you can find a Arizona defensive driving course. As you know that the state of Arizona suffers from growing traffic congestion and road mishaps, it is often that people are issued traffic tickets. This is because they might have breached the traffic rules and regulations. The Arizona court has ordered special advance driving courses known as defensive driving to increase traffic awareness and reduce roads accidents. URL:

So what exactly Defensive Driving is?

Defensive driving is advance driving training for motor vehicle drivers that takes them beyond mastering road safety rules and basics of driving. Defensive driving school has courses that reduces driving risk by anticipating dangerous situations even under adverse conditions like stress, fear, lack of knowledge, adequate training or by others mistakes. Arizona Defensive Driving School provides defensive driving courses that are recognized by the State and help you make safer and smarter driver than ever before.

Who needs to attend Defensive Driving School?

If you are issued traffic ticket or hauled by the traffic conditions and traffic sense of others that increases vulnerability to accidents, then you must take up Arizona Defensive Driving course immediately.

Why the Course is Important?

The Arizona Defensive Driving School offers defensive driving courses that lower down you insurance rates, increases you driving skill, knowledge and teaches you to come out of potential accidents smartly. You not only become safer and smarter driver but you also protect others on the road by following right rules and minimizing the mistakes.

Why only Arizona Defensive Driving Course?

Arizona defensive driving course is designed to suit everyone. The course is developed after thorough research that not only includes quality content but also audio, video and other interactive graphics. The course is provided by well a known and authorized defensive driving course content provider I drive safely. Moreover the course is available online! No tension of attending classes, reaching there on time, taking out time to go the school etc. Now, with the online defensive driving course you can learn defensive driving in front of your desktop computer at the comfort levels of your home. And whats more, you are charged less than the traffic fine that you would be paying otherwise. Find the details of Arizona defensive driving school course fee below:

The course fee is calculated as the sum of these:

The court fee.
The Arizona State fee.
A school fee.

You can also find the course fee details of Arizona Defensive Driving School here:

For Defensive Driving Course you can trust on Arizona defensive driving school course as it is designed to be highly interactive, effective and easy to learn. By taking up this state recognized course you will make yourself and your family safe whenever you are on the roads. If you want to know more about Arizona Defensive Driving Course contact us at:
or at

For further details find out about Arizona Defensive Driving from Arizona Supreme Court Defensive Driving Program at (602) 364-0388.

James KerkAdina Blog34267
Birgit Blog42957

The New America Should We Outsource

If you were to look at many large corporations such as Sprint, Dell, and so on, you would find a number of jobs are outsourced overseas. Outsourcing is nothing new but the trend of global outsourcing has ignited a firestorm of controversy.

North American businesses are increasingly outsourcing business functions to companies outside of the United States. Often this outsourcing is seamless to the outside world. The company maintains control over the processes and results, while certain business functions are quietly conducted in another country. Companies often benefit from reduced operating costs and an eager workforce. For the employees, particularly those in struggling economies, they are afforded higher wages and an increased standard of living.

While this may seem to be a win-win proposition for all, it does not come without its share of naysayers who believe that this practice is further eroding the already shaky North American economy. To understand this controversy, we must look at why companies decide to outsource as well as the type of jobs being outsourced. Companies cite a variety of reasons for outsourcing from lack of qualified, available labor to cost concerns. Unfortunately, while many people in the United States want to work and some actively seek positions, sometimes these individuals are not qualified or unreliable. To the company, this creates a risk of missed deadlines, understaffing and its inherent consequences, under production, and so on.

Cost and competition raise another issue. Businesses around the country are vying for ways to reduce cost while increasing effectiveness and productivity. By using overseas outsourcing, companies are able to save on one of the largest line item expenses in business human capital. Consider alone the skyrocketing cost of healthcare in the United States. Businesses can spend an additional $8000 10,000 per employee, per year on benefits alone. When added to salaries, workers compensation, and operational expenses it is easy to see why global outsourcing becomes an option.

Global outsourcing can also offer competitive advantages. Companies can take advantage of specialized knowledge and emerging technologies by outsourcing certain processes to other countries. In this way a company can hire those leading an industry and leverage that competitive advantage in the marketplace.

The underlying discontent with global outsourcing has to do with wages. In example, outsourcing to countries such as India and Mexico enables companies to pay much lower wages than they would pay North American workers. With an abundance of people in foreign countries interested in making higher North American wages, finding help is never a problem. For instance, a telecommunications company pays a customer service representative in the United States between $20,000 and $30,000 per year on average. If the company were to turn the same job over to someone in another country, they would likely pay between $10,000 and $15,000. For the foreign worker this salary enables them to significantly raise their standard of living while the same salary would be at the poverty level for North Americans. For the company and the overseas worker it is a win-win situation. However, this also means workers in the United States are being forced out of or passed over for jobs thus the controversy.

American Express was one of the first companies to publicly come under fire for global outsourcing. Dell too has come under attack for basing customer service in India. United States customers complain about the language barrier and lack of service but neither company has suffered the loss of profits as a result of outsourcing.

From the viewpoint of the overseas employee, they simply want to make a decent living. With jobs difficult to find in their own country, accepting an outsourced job is a gift from Heaven. These people often make 100% or more of what they could make in their own country, which makes outsourcing highly profitable and very attractive. Obviously, with so much at stake, the outsourced workers are willing to be trained, to follow rules to the tee, to respect authority, and be to work on time, every time.

As you can see, outsourcing overseas is a huge dilemma, with growing concern. When you consider the growing positions being outsourced, the concern rises. Although you might generally think of customer support as being the number one outsourced job, you might be surprised. Below is a list of other jobs that are often outsourced:

Customer Service Although this was not one of the original aspects of a business outsourced, we now see a huge number of companies, small to large, using overseas services in all areas of customer support.

Data Analysis The amount of data being generated by companies throughout the United States is staggering. In most cases, conducting market analysis and reviewing trends is crucial to a number of industries. For instance, much of the data coming out of the New York Stock Exchange is sent to India where it goes through a complete analysis process.

Research Research is also another large area where overseas outsourcing is used. In this case, companies will outsource large or portions of large research projects to people in other countries, which covers everything imaginable such as pharmaceutical trials to genetics to nano stocks.

Engineering Design More and more, we see engineering design being outsourced. Typically, companies in the United States establish what is known as an Offshore Development Center or ODC, which includes a number of design fields such as architectural, mechanical, hardware, structural, and product.

Medicare Many people are unaware that Medicare is also outsourced to foreign countries. Services provided by employees could include data entry of doctors transcripts to interpretation of an MRI, CAT scan, or other medical imaging processes.

Art and Animation With different countries offering unique levels and genres of creativity, a company needing a website, illustrations, artwork, book cover design, television show, graphic art, and other similar functions would turn to other countries for fresh ideas

Legal Finally, we also see legal support services being outsourced overseas. Although professional services would not be included, we do see some of the more low-level tasks such as data entry of legal documents or transcripts and patent searches being performed.

Although outsourcing to other countries has been done since the early part of the 1990s, it has become a multi-billion dollar business for other countries. Although many of the workers are low skilled, they are again, eager and willing to work. The trend of outsourcing will likely to continue to expand. We often view the negative impact to North American workers but the reality is we too benefit from outsourcing.

Many small businesses provide services to other countries. Writers, web developers, marketing consultants and many others build a business that is largely global. These small businesses are often started by laid off or out placed corporate employees. Other countries outsource to the United States for the same reasons we do specialized knowledge, lower costs, and qualified labor. Lets face it the world has changed. The debate over outsourcing is unlikely to subside any time soon, but the rules will continue to be written.

Richard A. Hall is founder and President/CEO of LexTech, Inc., a legal information consulting company. Mr. Hall has a unique breadth of experience which has enabled him to meld technology and sophisticated statistical analysis to produce a technology driven analytical model of the practice of law. As a busy civil trial attorney, he was responsible for the design and implementation of a LAN based litigation database and fully automated document production system for a mid-sized civil defense firm. He developed a task based billing model built on extensive statistical analysis of hundreds of litigated civil matters. In 1994, Mr. Hall invented linguistic modeling software which automatically reads, applies budget codes, budget codes and analyzes legal bill content. He also served as California Director and lecturer for a nationwide bar review. Mr. Hall continues to practice law and perform pro bono services for several Northern California judicial districts.Amanda Blog14813
Annnora Blog65551

Making Money from Google Adsense

There is nothing more rewarding than receiving the check of hard earned money. You must have seen thousands upon thousands of online testimonies of how they 'got rich' from Google Adsense and how they make thousands per week. Some of these stories are not entirely false.

The main secret behind making money from Google Adwords/Adsense program is content. There is no shortcut. Content is the first step behind any successful money making website. Of course, there is SEO-ing, but content is what drives the potential customers to your site. How much you are willing to invest will determine how much you will make per month, but it is possible to make money without spending a dime.

First of all, you will need a website. Assuming your content will be purely textual (since Google spiders crawl on text/keywords), you may either get a domain and hosting or choose to post to a blog, or you could sign up for free ad-supported website. It is recommended that if you plan on making money from your website, you ought to get a website with your own domain name, after all, ad supported hosting defeats the purpose of your money making; plus, you want your website to appear as professional and less congested as possible.

Now that you have a website, the next step is getting content for your site, but we'll get to that at the end of this article.

Now that you have a domain name and a niche, you will have to sign up for the Google Adwords Program. Note that Google Adwords enables you to get paid for advertising and Google Adsense is when you will have to pay for advertising.

Now that you have your domain with efficient hosting, and your Adwords account, you will need to build your site. If you are already a site-creating guru, then you are a step ahead. If not, creating your content site is not purely throwing out HTML pages. Sooner or later, content is going to keep growing and you may either get an efficient content manager or get hired help.

Traffic makes the difference between you making money or you not getting a dime. In order to get traffic, you can either optimize your website or get traffic by spamming. Now, remember that spamming will not get you repeat visitors, and will give your business a very bad reputation, plus, spamming may cost your website not to be listed on search engines, and Google has the right, under the 'Terms and Conditions' to revoke your Adwords account. You definitely do not want to start from scratch.

Traffic can come by word of mouth and efficient SEO-ing. SEO is an enormously broad topic that ranges from content, link popularity, link exchanges, keywords, web description, etc., to website rankings and so on. In order to remain on the top of your niche, you will need to always want your customers coming back. In order to keep that traffic flowing, you will need to keep content coming fresh and keeping your site constantly optimized and up to date. You will need to be aware of most common spider crawling techniques and use it to your advantage.

Another most common made mistake in getting website content free and cheap is to copy other websites or repeat the same information (if you have more than one money-making site). This is a bad move! Search engines will see this duplicate content as spam and remove it from searched results. Also, if you copy and paste content that is not yours and/or of public domain you will be infringing copyright. Copyright infringement is a crime.

As far as content goes, you can hire help to write articles or you can conveniently buy articles in bulk. Bulk articles are normally distributed by renowned companies and usually are more cost-efficient. Bulk content is also good if you are thinking of expanding your site. A renowned company that can help you with content and marketing strategies is the Myrdhinn's Marketing Madness. There are thousands of articles in different niches and since it's from a trustworthy company, you can always return for new quality content.

Remember that signing up for Google Adwords is free. If your website gets rejected at first, don't worry. Just build your site and re-apply. As long as your website is legitimate and is not an 'about-me' site, you are more than likely to get approved. Plus, having an Adwords account opens you to the Google community and you can increase your PageRank dramatically.

Good luck on your first check!

My name is David Jackson. I'm an Internet Marketer living in the Philippines. Upon joining Myrdhinn's Marketing Madness for the many Articles available. Go to - Blog18889
Alfreda Blog64530

My Credits Not THAT Bad! The Real Story!

If you've have ever applied for a charge account, a personal loan, insurance, or a job, there's a file on you. This file contains information on where you work and live, how you pay your bills, and whether you've been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy.

The companies that gather and sell this information are called Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs). The most common type of a CRA is the credit bureau. The information CRAs sell is called a consumer credit report.

The errors that occur at the 3 major Credit Reporting Bureaus has reached staggering numbers. With over 75 percent of all credit reports containing some sort of error, the vast majority of consumers has been or will be affected by a problem with inaccurate credit history. At least 25 percent of credit reports contain errors so severe that it would cause a loan or mortgage application to be denied.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act, enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, is supposed to ensure accuracy and the privacy of the information used in consumer reports. Recent amendments to the Act expand your rights and place additional requirements on CRAs. Businesses that supply information about you to CRAs and those that use consumer reports also have new responsibilities under the law.

Here are some important questions and answers about your rights under Federal Law.

Q. How do I find the CRA that has my report?

A. Contact the CRAs listed in the Yellow Pages under "credit" or "credit rating and reporting." Because more than one CRA may have a file on you, call each until you locate all the agencies maintaining your file. The three major national credit bureaus are:
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
(800) 685-1111.

P.O. Box 2104
Allen, TX 75013
(888) EXPERIAN (888-397-3742).

Trans Union
P.O. Box 1000
Chester, PA 19022
(800) 916-8800.

This is really important. Anyone who takes action against you in response to a report supplied by a CRA -- such as denying your application for credit, insurance, or employment -- must give you the name, address, and telephone number of the CRA that provided the report.

Q. Do I have a right to know what's in my report?

A. Yes you do but you MUST ask for it. The CRA must tell you everything in your report, including medical information, and in most cases, the sources of the information. The CRA also must give you a list of everyone who has requested your report within the past year -- two years for employment related requests.

Q. Is there a charge for my report?

A. Sometimes. The good news is that there's no charge if a company takes adverse action against you, such as denying your application for credit, insurance or employment, and you request your report within 60 days of receiving that notice of the action. The notice will give you the name, address, and phone number of the CRA. In addition, you're entitled to one free report a year (1) you're unemployed and plan to look for a job within 60 days, (2) you're on welfare, or (3) your report is inaccurate because of fraud. Otherwise, a CRA may charge you up to $9 for a copy of your report. The amount varies by state.

Q. What can I do about inaccurate or incomplete information?

A. Under the new law, both the CRA and the information provider have responsibilities for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. To protect all your rights under this law, contact both the CRA and the information provider.

First, tell the CRA in writing what information you believe is inaccurate. CRAs must reinvestigate the items in question - usually within 30 days -- unless they consider your dispute frivolous.

Now we get to the good part. If you have several items to dispute and submit them at the same time the CRA will almost always consider your dispute frivolous. Sorry, thats just the way it is. Your best bet is to dispute one or two items at a time. Send your letter, wait two weeks, send the next letter and so on. Best idea is to find something wrong with what is being reported. Check the details. Are the dates correct, the amount correct, the payments correct? Do you even owe the debt? Was it paid off?

The CRA must forward all relevant data you provide about the dispute to the information provider. After the information provider receives notice of a dispute from the CRA, it must investigate, review all relevant information provided by the CRA, and report the results to the CRA. If the information provider finds the disputed information to be inaccurate, it must notify all nationwide CRAs so that they can correct this information in your file.

Now for the REAL story. The information provider will almost always responds saying they investigated and the debt is valid. That's all it takes for the CRA to substantiate the debt and tell you to take a hike. Now think about it, you have a debt that is not yours and you go to the CRA to dispute it. They send a letter and to the no good company reporting you as a deadbeat and asked them to substantiate a non-existent debt. To add insult to injury that no good company tells the CRA its good debt and your SOL.

When the reinvestigation is complete and its favorable to you, the CRA must give you the written results and a free copy of your report. If an item is changed or removed, the CRA cannot put the disputed information back in your file unless the information provider verifies its accuracy and completeness, and the CRA gives you a written notice that includes the name, address, and phone number of the provider.

Second, tell the creditor or other information provider in writing that you dispute an item. Many providers specify an address for disputes. If the provider then reports the item to any CRA, it must include a notice of your dispute. In addition, if you are correct -- that is, if the information is inaccurate -- the information provider may not use it again.

Personally, after helping dozens of people clear negative, incorrect information from their credit reports I can tell in option 1 is a necessary step but for the most part a useless step. Going right to the creditor and documenting the attempt is by far the best way to remove the inaccurate information on your credit reports. After disputing the information to the creditor, documenting the attempt, and documenting the non response of the creditor you have irrefutable evidence to present to the credit bureau. According to the federal law they have no choice but to remove the incomplete or inaccurate information

Q. What can I do if the CRA or information provider won't correct the information I dispute?

A. A reinvestigation may not resolve your dispute with the CRA. If that's the case, ask the CRA to include your statement of the dispute in your file and in future reports. If you request, the CRA also will provide your statement to anyone who received a copy of the old report in the recent past. There usually is a fee for this service.

If you tell the information provider that you dispute an item, a notice of your dispute must be included anytime the information provider reports the item to a CRA.

Q. Can my employer get my report?

A. Only if you say it's okay. A CRA may not supply information about you to your employer, or to a prospective employer, without your consent.

Q. Can creditors, employers, or insurers get a report that contains medical information about me?

A. Not without your approval.

Q. What should I know about "investigative consumer reports"?

A. "Investigative consumer reports" are detailed reports that involve interviews with your neighbors or acquaintances about your lifestyle, character, and reputation. They may be used in connection with insurance and employment applications. You'll be notified in writing when a company orders such a report. The notice will explain your right to request certain information about the report from the company you applied to. If your application is rejected, you may get additional information from the CRA. However, the CRA does not have to reveal the sources of the information.

Q. How long can a CRA report negative information?

A. Seven years from the day the debt went bad. But there are certain exceptions:

Information about criminal convictions may be reported without any time limitation.
Bankruptcy information may be reported for 10 years.
Information reported in response to an application for a job with a salary of more than $75,000 has no time limit.
Information reported because of an application for more than $150,000 worth of credit or life insurance has no time limit.
Information about a lawsuit or an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer.

Q. Can anyone get a copy of my report?

A. No. Only people with a legitimate business need, as recognized by the FCRA. For example, a company is allowed to get your report if you apply for credit, insurance, employment, or to rent an apartment.

The truth is that just about anyone can get your credit report for just about any reason. How it works. I want information on you. I go to one of thousands of small businesses that have access to the CRAs and say I do have a legitimate reason for wanting the information. I say you are applying for a job or you want to buy my car on time payments and I want to be sure your legit. Thats all it takes, Ive got everything I need to know about you. Can kid yourself, this happens thousands of times every day across the nation. You can even do it on the Internet. There are thousand of companies that will get you information on anyone you want if you're willing to pay a few bucks.

Q. How can I stop a CRA from including me on lists for unsolicited credit and insurance offers?

A. Creditors and insurers may use CRA file information as a basis for sending you unsolicited offers. These offers must include a toll-free number for you to call if you want to remove your name and address from lists for two years; completing a form that the CRA provides for this purpose will keep your name off the lists permanently.

And the rest of the story he is: Call those numbers and see how successful you're getting removed. Those toll-free numbers are the reason I use high blood pressure medicine now. And by the way, I never did get removed.

Q. Do I have the right to sue for damages?

A. You may sue a CRA, a user or -- in some cases -- a provider of CRA data, in state or federal court for most violations of the FCRA. If you win, the defendant will have to pay damages and reimburse you for attorney fees to the extent ordered by the court.

Q. Are there other laws I should know about?

A. Yes. If your credit application was denied, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires creditors to specify why -- if you ask. For example, the creditor must tell you whether you were denied because you have "no credit file" with a CRA or because the CRA says you have "delinquent obligations." The ECOA also requires creditors to consider additional information you might supply about your credit history. You may want to find out why the creditor denied your application before you contact the CRA.

Tom Sheltraw is the content manager of several websites covering all aspects of making and saving money. He owns and operates helping you to Make Extra Cash because, Being Broke .... SUCKS. For a FREE money making report go to: Click now for your FREE Report! Publishing guidelines: Please feel free to publish this article as long as its contents and resource box remain unchanged.Bebe Blog75406
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